Goodnight, Ladies: Part 1
Original art ©Jonathan Pérez
Happy Helloween, O children of the night! To sanctify the arrival of the dismal months, we are busting out of our clear acrylic cube to bring you a BRR Special Event! Welcome to GOODNIGHT, LADIES, Part 1, in which we step into the depths of Alan Moore and Eddie Campbell’s legendary graphic novel, From Hell—technically not a Lynch property, although we will be exploring several points of contact, including a fateful meeting at the Gull & Elephant. In this stroll through the nightmares of 1880s Whitechapel, Jennifer dissects the deep disorientation; Damon summons the spirit of anarchy; Jonathan maps the links between The Ripper’s London and the Lynchverse; and Colin invites you into secret association! Keep your eyes peeled out there, friends!